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精密高刚度铰链作为六自由度并联激励平台中的关键组件,其性能高低对激励台的控制精度有直接影响。针对铰链所需满足的高刚度、高基频和无间隙等要求,文章提出了基于虎克铰结构的铰链设计方法。首先根据铰链所处的工况确定选用圆锥滚子轴承作为旋转支撑部件,并通过对轴承的配置和预紧实现无间隙振动运动的要求,从而确定了铰链结构形式。然后,利用有限元法校核了结构的刚度与基频,进而完成铰链结构方案和样机制造,并将样机集成于激励台中。最后,开展了铰链动态特性试验和激励台振动控制试验,分别获取了铰链的基频和激励台控制响应。结果表明,铰链可满足激励台工作频段内的使用要求,铰链设计合理。  相似文献   
The measurement of position and attitude parameters for the isolated target from a high-speed aircraft is a great challenge in the field of wind tunnel simulation technology. This paper proposes a remote-controlled flexible pose measurement system in wind tunnel conditions for the separation of a target from an aircraft. The position and attitude parameters of a moving object are obtained by utilizing a single camera with a focal length and camera orientation that can be changed based on different measurement conditions. Using this proposed system and method, both the flexibility and efficiency of the pose measurement system can be enhanced in wind tunnel conditions to meet the measurement requirements of different objects and experiments, which is also useful for the development of an intelligent position and attitude measurement system. The position and the focal length of the camera also can be controlled remotely during measurements to enlarge both the vertical and horizontal measurement range of this system. Experiments are conducted in the laboratory to measure the position and attitude of moving objects with high flexibility and efficiency, and the measurement precision of the measurement system is also verified through experiments.  相似文献   
The Earth and the near interplanetary medium are affected by the Sun in different ways. Those processes generated in the Sun that induce perturbations into the Magnetosphere-Ionosphere system are called geoeffective processes and show a wide range of temporal variations, like the 11-year solar cycle (long term variations), the variation of ~27?days (recurrent variations), solar storms enduring for some days, particle acceleration events lasting for some hours, etc.In this article, the periodicity of ~27?days associated with the solar synodic rotation period is investigated. The work is mainly focused on studying the resulting 27-day periodic signal in the magnetic activity, by the analysis of the horizontal component of the magnetic field registered on a set of 103 magnetic observatories distributed around the world. For this a new method to isolate the periodicity of interest has been developed consisting of two main steps: the first one consists of removing the linear trend corresponding to every calendar year from the data series, and the second one of removing from the resulting series a smoothed version of it obtained by applying a 30-day moving average. The result at the end of this process is a data series in which all the signal with periods larger than 30?days are canceled.The most important characteristics observed in the resulting signals are two main amplitude modulations: the first and most prominent related to the 11-year solar cycle and the second one with a semiannual pattern. In addition, the amplitude of the signal shows a dependence on the geomagnetic latitude of the observatory with a significant discontinuity at approx. ±60°.The processing scheme was also applied to other parameters that are widely used to characterize the energy transfer from the Sun to the Earth: F10.7 and Mg II indices and the ionospheric vertical total electron content (vTEC) were considered for radiative interactions; and the solar wind velocity for the non-radiative interactions between the solar wind and the magnetosphere. The 27-day signal obtained in the magnetic activity was compared with the signals found in the other parameters resulting in a series of cross-correlations curves with maximum correlation between 3 and 5?days of delays for the radiative and between 0 and 1?days of delay for the non-radiative parameters. This result supports the idea that the physical process responsible for the 27-day signal in the magnetic activity is related to the solar wind and not to the solar electromagnetic radiation.  相似文献   
文中选择大、中、小3种典型结构尺寸的发射箱,利用计算流体动力学(Computational fluid dynamics,CFD)仿真软件Fluent对发射箱蒙皮表面在导弹发射过程中的力、热环境进行了仿真分析。以铝合金材料为例,对发射箱蒙皮材料在燃气流环境中力学性能损伤情况进行了烧蚀试验研究。研究结果表明,随着烧蚀时间延长,铝合金材料力学性能损伤存在一个突变点,在1.5 s内下降不明显,但是当烧蚀时间延长至2.0 s时,力学性能急剧下降至0。该研究结果为铝合金发射箱轻量化设计、热防护设计和使用次数设计等提供了数据支撑。  相似文献   
月面特性的模拟是月面软着陆验证试验的重要设计因素。文章结合探测器的设计状态和试验需求,论述了月面特性模拟的具体要求;基于月面地形统计分布规律,实现了月面原始形貌的模拟;通过高程剔除设计和模块化组合设计,实现了对多种典型月貌的快速模拟;最后通过月表反射特性的模拟,全面满足了试验要求,并取得了良好的试验效果。文中所述的模拟方法可为我国后续行星表面探测器及着陆技术的验证提供借鉴。  相似文献   
中间柔性包带是环形可展开天线的重要组成部分。中间包带拔销器解锁后,复材包带与环形桁架同步展开。因复材包带柔性较强,它会绕根部固定端进行回弹,因此展开过程存在金属接头和桁架上复材薄壁管件碰撞风险。随着天线口径增大,该风险会持续增大。基于柔性多体动力学理论对超大型口径环形可展开天线包带展开过程进行动力学建模仿真,并在此基础上分析得出包带展开过程金属接头到环形桁架最小距离主要和复材包带阻尼率以及桁架预展速度相关。通过进一步研究发现:复材包带阻尼率越高,展开过程金属接头到环形桁架最小距离越大;桁架预展速度越快,展开过程金属接头到环形桁架最小距离越小。此外,对逆止回弹机构失效这一在轨极端条件下包带展开过程进行建模仿真,分析得出包带在该条件下展开过程金属接头到环形桁架最小距离变化规律。该研究可为超大口径环形天线结构优化设计及包带在轨展开预示提供依据。  相似文献   
非接触光学测量方法,可作为空间站太阳电池翼等大型航天器柔性部件在轨模态分析的一种潜在手段。为合理布置相机的拍摄工位及视角,有效捕捉靶标运动的位移及方向,提出了利用轨控或姿控激励下柔性附件瞬态响应的结构动力学仿真结果,结合计算机图形学仿真技术,预示虚拟靶标运动过程成像及其位移重构效果,从而对测量有效性做出判断的实验方案评价方法,并通过仿真实验对其可行性进行了验证。该方法可发展为航天器在轨模态测量的计算机辅助优化工具,能充分利用结构动力学仿真成果,弥补大型柔性部件地面实验的不足。  相似文献   
针对临近空间高超声速飞行器存在的问题,设计了一种折叠翼飞行器,可以通过折叠机翼来适应各种飞行状态,保持最优的气动特性。并针对临近空间滑翔式高超声速的特点,采用高斯伪谱法对固定翼飞行器和折叠翼飞行器的轨迹优化,通过将折叠翼飞行器与传统固定翼飞行器在射程能力、规避热流能力方面进行对比,提出了一种综合目标的轨迹优化思想。设计的折叠翼飞行器相比传统固定翼飞行器性能更加优越,更适合临近空间环境,提高了17.67%的航程,减少了热流率峰值的35.72%,并通过控制系统的设计和仿真加以验证,仿真结果表明变体飞行器机动能力相比固定翼飞行器有了显著的提高。  相似文献   
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